See Effort and Impact Come Together with Jira, Azure DevOps Integrations

Keep impact line of sight as you build better products and align with your best outcomes.

Leila Alapour, Director of Product Management, WorkBoard  ::  Product

Products are the core of any company's value to customers. As a developer, you want to know your work really matters to customers and the company—and you want to work efficiently. But it can be hard to see and stay tuned into that impact when you’re working on a task list. Aligning and bringing objectives and key results into line of sight day-to-day is a real win for you as well as customers and the company.

Now Get WorkBoard OKRs in Azure DevOps

While the sprints and tasks in Azure DevOps help you track what work needs to be done and your output, OKRs in WorkBoard measure and manage the business outcomes that your work drives. Now you can bring those OKRs right into your ADO experience — so your efforts and impacts are all in one place!

With this integration, you can now:

  • Display OKRs defined in WorkBoard as a tab in the Azure DevOps experience.
  • See, navigate, and comment on OKRs within Azure DevOps.
  • Quickly update progress toward key results from within Azure DevOps.
  • Automatically update key result progress as work is completed in Azure DevOps.
  • Give the rest of the organization transparency on the objectives and key results you’re driving.
WorkBoard for Azure DevOps

Link Jira Issues to WorkBoard Key Results

You're familiar with WorkBoard’s Jira integration — see and update OKRs from within Jira — and now we're creating even clearer links to your work and the results it drives! Now on any given issue, you can see the key result that it aligns to and the current progress on that result. Moreover, use JQL to query for all issues contributing to a key result so you can easily see what needs to get done to move the needle.

WorkBoard for Jira

You came to work today to build products that matter, now that value is easier to see, measure and share!

And - if you use GitHub, Rally-RTC, you can update KRs from there as well.

WorkBoard for Jira Plugin

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WorkBoard for Azure DevOps

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