Driving great strategy execution today is harder than ever before

The tried-and-true management models that drove your success for the last two decades may not get you where you need to go in the next 5 years.

The blunt instruments of slides and meetings don’t provide you the scale you need to thrive and scale in a world of constant change.

“There’s so much noise and uncertainty today. You have to ensure you’re constantly adapting your strategy while driving forward without getting distracted.”

Steve Shafer
President and Chief Operating Officer, A.O. Smith

A.O. Smith

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WorkBoard Strategy Execution platform enables organizations to clarify and mobilize the strategy across the enterprise

Clarify the strategy to ensure resource allocation is aligned across the org.

Understand where capacity goes to ensure everyone is working efficiently towards the right outcomes..

Establish ambitious strategic objectives and measure progress to plan by team and individual.

The management models that got you here won’t work in 2024 and beyond

When change was episodic, organizations gained advantages through consistency and gradual learning. However, to create competitive advantage amidst today’s continuously changing market dynamics, we must learn and adapt faster than ever before.

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Develop, communicate, and align long-range strategies

  • Demystify the strategy and create a shared understanding of the Strategy Pillars, investments needed to achieve the strategy, and risks to success.
  • Connect long-range strategy outcomes to quarterly key results while aligning OKRs to each Strategy Pillar.

  • In one click, publish the strategy and seamlessly bring it into the right conversations using WoBo MBRs and Scorecards.

Align on quarterly outcomes across the org

  • Align OKRs vertically and laterally across functional teams, squads and dynamic teams, and even individuals.

  • Drill down into risks to efficiently take action and alleviate obstacles with efficiency.

  • View progress to plan by product, team, or person alongside helpful context and narratives.

  • Progress toward target outcomes is calculated automatically and mathematically to provide probability of success at every stage.

Driving a Modern Operating Model with WorkBoard

“WorkBoard allows us as leaders to lead from the front, to set direction, and mobilize the organization in a very fast way — this was critical and WorkBoard brought this to life.”

Tina Murphy
President, GHX

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Share results in real-time while streamlining Monthly Business Reviews

  • Create a one-slide-view of key results with Scorecards — include the narrative next to the numbers and easily share with your team or the whole org.
  • Present your Scorecard as a meeting dashboard to focus conversations on unblocking obstacles and achieving results.

  • Provide WorkBoard Business Reviews as meeting pre-reads to ensure stakeholders come to the meeting with context and focus.

Drive weekly focus and accountability

  • Quickly plan and align the work needed to achieve outcomes and ensure everyone knows the actions they own within Workstreams.
  • Assign new Actions Items directly within a meeting so everyone is clear on how their work contributes to achieving the strategy.
  • Build accountability into every conversation by documenting learnings and takeaways in Smart Agendas that can be revisited at anytime.

Results are the one thing everyone should align on.