Jeff Lugerner

Jeff Lugerner

Executive and Leadership Coach, Leadership Development Institute

Jeff Lugerner has over 20 years of developing leadership programs and executive coaching programs. He currently works with senior leaders and their leadership teams. He has extensive experience working with high-potential senior executives focusing on setting the tone in their organization, up-leveling their leadership presence, enhancing their leadership courage and building teams with a distinctive brand. Jeff leverages his own coaching skills to help executives become better coaches to their own teams.

If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.' --Yogi Berra

Are You a One-Pitch Leader?

Jeff LugernerJeff Lugerner  ::  Wed, March 11, 2015  ::  Leader Development

In baseball, the term “one pitch pitcher” refers to a pitcher who is overly reliant on one type of pitch (fastball, curveball, etc.) to be effective. History tells us this approach has limitations and ultimately limited success. They lack the versatility in their repertoire of pitches to solve the many different kinds of situations they face in the course of a game. Experts will tell you that the best pitchers have 3-4 different pitches they can throw at any given time and at any velocity they choose to solve the predicament in front of them.

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